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The Journal

Have you ever written a journal before? There's something neat about being able to go over past events in one's life. I can remember, a trip to Alaska that I took. One of the things I was assigned to do there, was to write a journal and record the daily events that happened. I didn't always keep up with it like I should have, and I regret that. However, a while back, I found that journal and started going over what I had written down. Instantly, I was transported back to that trip, and enjoyed those scenes over again in my mind. So, what exactly is the purpose of a journal? According to a journal is "a daily record, as of occurrences, experiences, or observations:..." The Bible talks about, journaling in our mind the things that God has done for us in the past. Many people today, if asked the question: What has God done for you in the past would probably give you a blank stare, or would at least have to think about it for a while. Yet, is this really the truth about whether God has been involved in a person's life? Does immediate memory tell the whole story? Here's where the journal comes in. If you and I will keep a record of some sort of the ways God has answered our prayers, and has helped us in the past, we will be able to get through the discouraging times in our lives. So I want to encourage you, if you have not already, to start keeping track of your prayers, and the things God has done for you in your life in some way. Whether that is writing them down, or rehersing them to someone else. The Bible says:

"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:"


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