Sharing The Hope of Christ With The World
Daniel and Revelation Video Studies (Page 3)
22. Daniel's People Delivered
Jesus is coming again soon. Who is He coming back for? How do we become a part of those people. Click the video to the left to learn more.
23. The Day of Deliverance
Jesus made the promise more than 2000 years ago, when will He come back to this earth to take us home with Him and what will that coming look like? To learn more click the video to the right.
24a. The USA in Bible Prophecy
Is the United States found in the book of Revelation? To find out more click the video.
24b. The Mark of the Beast
What is the mark of the beast? Click the video to learn more.
25. Mystery, Babylon the Great
Click the video to the left to learn more.
26. The Remnant
Does God have a special group of people that will be alive at the end of time? Click the video study to learn more!
27. Time For Holy Living
How can we be ready to meet Jesus when He returns. You won't want to miss this very practical Bible study. Click the video to learn more!
28. Daniel and the Gift of Prophecy
The gift of prophecy was around in Daniel's day. Is it still valid today? Click the study to learn more.
29. What happened on earth in 1844?
1844 was an extremely important date according to Scripture. Click the study to why.
30. Sharing Daniel's Message With the World
Click the video to the right to learn more!